Numeric-F | G-O | P-Z
Not all dealers participate in all Gem Faires.
Please check individual Gem Faire locations to find if your favorite dealers will be at a specific Gem Faire.
A Flair for Fashion
A M Jewelry
A S Trading
A Z Collection
Absolute Jewelry
Ace Findings & Gems (frmly Close-Out Depot)
Addisea Gems
Afghan Art Carpet
Afghan Gem & Jewelry
Afghan Gems (frmly Unique Gems)
African Earth Treasure
Afro Dan
Agere Treasures
Alice Gemstone
Amber Room
Amethyst Central
Amezoni Crystal
Amy & Simon Corp
Ancient Archives
Anil Kumar, Inc
Antero Minerals & Jewelry
Apollo Fashion Jewelry
Aquamarine Enterprises
Aria Gems & Jewelry
Ariana Gems & Jewelry
Arroyo Plata
Artic Jewelry
Arts Kingdom
Aster Ethiopian Opals
Atlas Minerals & Fossils
Awaken Within
Awaken Yourself
B & M Jewelry & Font Fixation
B & M Treasures
B S Rocks & Gems
Balaam Jewelry
Baniko Banta Import
Baskin & Sons
Bead Resources Corp (frml Commercial Resources)
Beading House (Fantastic Concepts, Inc)
Beads & Colors
Beads at Beads, Inc
Beads Creation
Beads U Need
Bear Cravings & Jade
Beaver Beads
Bennett Imports
Bhat Brothers
Bilakchana Import Export
Bilkis Gems & Jewelry
BKW Opals
Blind Coyote Trading Post
Blind Echo
Blue Mountain Gem Jewelry & Antiques
Bohemian Dreamin
Bovee Art & Gems
Bravo Fashion
Brilliant Design
Bruna Ferrari, Inc (Pearl & Beads, Inc)
Bryans Minerals
B’s Rock & Gems
Buddha Gems & Minerals
Bunn & Son Jewelers
C Y Lin Company
California Collection
Casa Del Oso California
Casa Onyx Designs
Cascade Mineralogical Society
Catherine’s Fine Jewelry
Century Gems
Chakra Crystals & Gems
Charlie Leather
Cherisse Mia Fine Art
Consolidated Rock & Mineral
Cosmic Earth Medicine
Creative Ego USA
Crystal & Crow
Crystals & Gems Int’l
Crystal Balanced
Crystal Blue Vibrations
Crystal Chakra Healing
Crystal Clear CC
Crystal Habit
Crystal Light Imports
Crystal Rich
Crystal Scout, The
Dancing Bears Rocks & Minerals
David R Freeland Jr Designs
Delara Gems & Jewelry
Design by Alex Simkin
Designs by Ehmar
Diamond Bird Jewelry
Dirtbag Rocks
Dorjee Design
Dreaming Down Under
Dreaming in Paradise
Dry Gulch Beads
E V International
E Z Trading
Earth Brite LLC
Earthly Treasures with Emmy
East West Best Trading Co
Eborn Collectibles, Books, Gifts
Edrisa Tunkara
Ele International, Inc
Elegant Healing
Emountaingems, Inc
Empire Gems International
Energy Gems
Et-Cetera Shop
Eternal Rock
Ethiopian Gemstones
Eugene Lapidary
Everyday Sterling
Everything Tibetan
Expo USA Int’l
Expressions, Inc
F Z Minerals
Fantastic Jewels & Antiques
Fashion Closeouts LLC
Fine Stones, Inc
Fire Fiber
Forever Silvers
Freedom Valley Gems
Fu Cheung Natural Stone Fine Art