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Booth Prices
10′ wide x 6′ deep :: $1,070 – $1,199
15′ wide x 6′ deep :: $1,456 – $1,784
20′ wide x 6′ deep :: $1,832 – $2,300
Prices include tables*, electrical, 2 chairs, city/government fee, and company sign.
See Exhibit Space Contracts for more details.
*Due to the rising oil and fuel costs, exhibitors are responsible for covering and skirting their own booths.
Exhibitors are encouraged to use their own flame-retardant table covers, to keep expenses at a minimum. However, Gem Faire is here to provide continued professional decorating services as needed, at reduced pricing. Gem Faire Staff will be on site to provide non-standard quotes during set up.
The following are add-on pricing for complete booth skirting & table coverings (for standard booth design):
10′ booth decorated (see photo) :: $168
15′ booth decorated :: $218
20′ booth decorated :: $268
To place an order for the add-on option, you can download Credit Card Authorization Form HERE (PDF)