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Booth Prices

10′ wide x 6′ deep  ::  $1,070 – $1,199
15′ wide x 6′ deep  ::  $1,456 – $1,784
20′ wide x 6′ deep  ::  $1,832 – $2,300

Prices include tables*, electrical, 2 chairs, city/government fee, and company sign.
See Exhibit Space Contracts for more details.
*Due to the rising oil and fuel costs, exhibitors are responsible for covering and skirting their own booths.

Exhibitors are encouraged to use their own flame-retardant table covers, to keep expenses at a minimum. However, Gem Faire is here to provide continued professional decorating services as needed, at reduced pricing. Gem Faire Staff will be on site to provide non-standard quotes during set up.

The following are add-on pricing for complete booth skirting & table coverings (for standard booth design):
10′ booth decorated (see photo)  ::  $168
15′ booth decorated  ::  $218
20′ booth decorated  ::  $268

To place an order for the add-on option, you can download Credit Card Authorization Form HERE (PDF)

As of August 1, 2021, Gem Faire will not be covering or skirting tables. It will be exhibitors’ responsibility. However, Gem Faire will provide the service, skirting & table covers for an additional charge on each booth. Please download the information sheet for details & pricing options HERE (PDF).

Booth Layouts & Configurations (fully decorated shown)
